The Day He First Believed

Do you remember the day you first believed in Jesus? People are introduced to Jesus in various ways—by their parents or someone else, during a moment in worship, or sometimes at a special event. For Alberto Martinez Rodríguez, a brave Christian and a fundamental moment set the foundation for his belief in Christ.

Alberto and his wife, Josefa Atie Caseros, have been married for 28 years, and while they have no biological children, the Lord has blessed them with many children to disciple. His pleasant humor and infectious smile naturally draw you to him when you meet him. Despite being paralyzed and permanently in a wheelchair after being stabbed while protecting his wife, he radiates joy that’s an inspiration for others.

Like many people in Cuba, Alberto worshiped idols before he gave his life to Christ. He wore certain clothes made of sack, a headpiece like a red heart, and a necklace dedicated to idols. Then, one day, Alberto encountered a man who shared the Gospel and told him that Jesus loved him. Alberto laughed because his lifestyle didn’t reflect the things he felt warranted that love. When Alberto shared that with the man, the man said that for those same reasons, Jesus loves you and wants to change your life to make you a better man. Alberto asked what he and Josefa had to do to receive Jesus. The man led them in a prayer of repentance, asking Jesus to come into their life. They turned from their idols and accepted God as their only Savior and only God. Then, they returned home and burned the clothes and broke the covenants made with demons.

However, the process of becoming a Christian wasn’t easy. Alberto continued his lifestyle habits with other men in front of the church that same day. When the church service started, they sang as they used to for demons. He even encouraged the men to sing louder, which was disruptive. When the church service finished and the people came out, they said hello to Alberto, took his hand, and said God bless you. They welcomed and accepted him regardless of how he worshiped before or his lifestyle habits. The love that shone in their eyes touched his heart and was a pivotal moment that shaped his faith. Then, a lady from the community who knew him well shouted that he didn’t believe in God like her. He responded by telling her he became a Christian that day. That’s how his walk with Jesus started, and he’s walked with Jesus ever since.

A pastor started discipling him, sharing the Bible, praying with him, and he attended church to learn about God. Another influential experience in his journey happened one day when he started praying. A vision of a serpent appeared and came close to him. It moved so quickly that he took a machete, and when he turned to look for the serpent, it wasn’t there. The following week, Alberto went to church to fast with a visiting pastor who talked about the power of fasting. The pastor talked about how fasting changes lives, can restore lives, and people can receive healing. So, Alberto went home and fasted for seven days, which became one of the best weeks of his life because he was full of the Holy Spirit.

Alberto became closer to God, more obedient in worship, and acknowledged God at home and in his marriage. Being strongly founded in God, he and his wife became disciples at church, preached on the streets, and got baptized. Then, they started a cell group (small worship group) and opened their home to neighbors who started coming for God’s glory. One group multiplied into five other cell groups and, finally, 72 cell groups. Alberto praised God for this blessing. When he started attending church, the congregation was around 20 members. He led evangelism, and his pastor saw how Alberto was a shining light in the community as many people started attending church. He eventually became the co-pastor and a leader in charge of opening new churches. He also helped prepare many couples and men to be missionaries in other denominations.

Alberto has dedicated his life to evangelism and discipling people for over 12 years. He and Josefa have traveled to many places, preaching in the streets and holding events to share the Gospel with people. Being an inspiring leader and speaker, he attracted crowds at his events. At one event, he led around 1,000 people to Christ in 18 days. Many people said they came to see the man in the wheelchair.

Today, Alberto’s church, Restoration and Revival, LE C, has about 60 members, where he works to nurture their spiritual growth. While he and Josefa aren’t traveling to other areas, they work to start missions and small churches in their community. Josefa is his support in prayer, ministry, and life. She preaches when Alberto is sick, leads children’s Bible study, leads a women’s group, and visits church members. She helps care for Alberto and supports the ministry. Josefa and their daughter in Christ mean everything to Alberto.    

After Albert was paralyzed and lost his father in a flood, Psalm 27 came to mind. He started reciting that verse, which filled him with inspiration and comfort. Now, anytime he feels sad, lost, or alone, he recites it aloud.     

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