Technology Furthers God’s Kingdom
For many pastors and leaders serving the Church in Cuba, creating sermons, Bible study lessons, and program materials is done the old-school way, using pencil and paper while referencing the Bible. This process takes a long time, misses the benefits of technology, and makes it challenging to replicate and share information with fellow pastors or leaders. Unfortunately, laptops in Cuba are simply not attainable because of the cost, and finding a store to buy one really doesn’t exist. But, thanks to our partners at E2D – Eliminate the Digital Divide, the capabilities of a laptop can be affordably put in the hands of a pastor.

E2D’s mission is for all residents of North Carolina to have access to affordable technology at home. Through their nonprofit laptop refurbishing program, they make that mission a reality, and sometimes, their work extends to areas outside NC, including other countries. With the help of E2D and the support of our Atulado family, we’ve started purchasing laptops and equipping church leaders and pastors with technology to further God’s Kingdom.
“We are happy to help Atulado Ministries achieve their goals by providing affordable refurbished laptops for their needs outside the US.”
– Christy Cowan, Community Partnership & Distribution Coordinator at E2D

A laptop provides access to valuable resources all with the touch of a button, allows leaders to save materials to build their ministry, and enhances spiritual experiences for people of all ages. Each laptop includes a Bible app that makes searching Scriptures easy, children’s ministry materials that last two years, the well-known Experiencing God study, a seven-session video Bible study for women on the Armor of God, and more, of course, all in Spanish. Leaders receive USB drives with their laptops. A USB drive is like surfing the internet in Cuba because leaders can share the latest information and Bible resources by passing a USB drive throughout their town or region.
In addition to providing vital resources, churches without musical instruments use the laptop for music during church services, adding to the worship experience. For leaders in a seminary program, the laptop serves as a lifeline to their studies, enabling them to grow their knowledge of God’s Word. Also, with more storage space than a phone, leaders can save family and ministry photos and videos and collect other Christian materials.
Osmani shared that the word impact comes to mind when he thinks about a laptop because it’s such an effective tool for Bible study, the preparation of ministry work, and the ability to archive documents, activities, data, and more. For example, one leader in charge of the children’s ministry had a lot of organizational work. When she received her laptop, her face beamed as she wept tears of joy. The laptop gives her access to programs, lessons, and materials for the children’s ministry and makes her work more efficient for an entire denomination. Then, on a recent mission trip, a pastor receiving dialysis every other day shared how impactful this will be while he’s in the hospital each week. He will use it for Bible study, playing Christian music, and ultimately, sharing the Gospel with his fellow patients. In addition to these two ministries, the generosity of the Atulado family has impacted many others and the people they serve by delivering many laptops to Cuba. We plan to equip more leaders with this valuable tool as we build the library of materials on each laptop.

“I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude to the supporters of Atulado for providing me with a laptop. I’m a pastor in Lajitas, Cienfuegos, Cuba, and it’s the first time I’ve ever had a laptop. I’m learning to do many things with it. I find it so useful for my work as a pastor; it is such a blessing. My wife and I use it to study for a bachelor’s degree. Also, we can save congregational photos and videos, prepare sermons, read Bible study materials, and do many simple things we could not do before.”
– Aleander González Araujo

“I work with kids, teenagers, and young people at a church in Castillo de Jagua, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Being able to reproduce videos, music, cartoons, and movies has enriched their experience greatly. It has also helped me study more easily as part of my personal growth. Now, I can save a lot of important ministry information and share it with other people at church using USB drives. It has been a huge blessing for my ministry. Thank you to all the Atulado supporters who made this possible. I appreciate your effort, love, and dedication. May God reward and bless you in everything you do.”
“On behalf of all the Cuban pastors, who are no longer a few who have received an enormous blessing, I express our gratitude for such a blessing and help to advance the kingdom of God here in Cuba.”
– Osmani Sosa