
Interested in seeing more photos of Cuba? Check out our trip photos.

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Sharing the Love of the Lord is Enough

Naïve – that’s the only word that describes my mindset when our group left the U.S. and headed to Cuba. I had heard stories about Cuba my entire life as my parents met in Havana in the late 1950s, right before Fidel Castro came into power. They spoke of the beautiful hotels, the Latin music of the nightclubs, the exotic food, and the fabulous architecture. ...

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9 Mission Trips to Cuba… and Counting

As I embarked on my first mission trip to Cuba, I didn’t think I’d come back multiple times. Not only have I been nine times, but I also plan to return on a future trip. Now, you may be wondering, “With so much work to be done in communities around the world, why Cuba?” There are countless reasons most people...

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